A collection of whitewater kayaking articles, reviews, trip guides and more. Everything you need to learn about the sport. Whether you are just starting out or are an experienced paddler.
A collection of trip Guides from around the world.
Making planning your kayaking trips easier.
We aim to build a hub for whitewater kayakers. Where anyone of any skill level can come to learn about the sport, get advice and access media from creators within the sport.
Our Learn section will include articles to help you on the basics to intermediate and advanced skill sets. From choosing your boat, outfitting your kayak and getting into the sport. To freestyle tutorials, waterfall technique and more so as to help you progress in every aspect of whitewater kayaking.
Kayaking trips can be difficult and daunting to organise. But we provide easy and informative guides to popular kayaking destinations. As a result, the hassle of organising your own kayaking trips will be removed and adventures will open up to a wider range of paddler. Important information will be detailed, for example: how to get there, where to stay, where the best rivers are and more. This will give you everything you need to get you on your dream trip.
Every paddler loves to talk about gear! We will provide easy to understand and comprehensive reviews for everything and anything required for whitewater kayaking. From the latest kayak design, to personal safety equipment and essential expedition and overnight gear.
We would like to build a community of paddlers. So, feel free to get involved, offer suggestions on how we can improve and even submit your own articles and media!
Follow us on Instagram to receive updates and the best collection of kayaking media around!